Flora of Bavaria ─ occurrence data online
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The expert group Arbeitsgemeinschaft Flora von Bayern has the goal to mobilise and organise information on the Flora of Bavaria (Germany), analyse data, describe the recent flora and study the influence of land use and climatic factors on flora changes over the time. Involved are members of the two major Botanical Societies in Bavaria Bayerische Botanische Gesellschaft and the Regensburgische Botanische Gesellschaft together with nature conservation agencies, further state agencies, universities and the Bavarian Natural History Collections (SNSB).
The data collection „Occurrence Data of Vascular Plants collected or compiled for the Flora of Bavaria” includes occurrence data of the vascular plants of Bavaria. The data are scientifically curated by the AG Flora von Bayern and originated from regional flora projects and local biological societies, from many volunteer monitoring experts, from (un-published) scientific studies, as well as from interpretation of literature data and collection data (herbaria). Further data collections originate from long-term species and biotope monitoring initiates run by Bavarian state agencies, e. g. the so-called Biotop-, Alpen-Biotop- and Artenschutzkartierungen. They are directly provided by the Bayerischen Landesamt für Umwelt.
BFL occurrence data in online portals
Since 2013 the data of the Flora of Bavaria (BFL data) are organised, processed and archived at the SNSB IT Center using the data management system Diversity Workbench. Quality-controled parts of the data are provided using data exchange schemas (ABCD and DwC standard). In the case of data portal of the Flora of Bavaria (formerly BIB) a special exchange schema and cache databases are used.
The data (and selected plant images) are available via several national and international portals in order to receive various user groups. They are categorized as observation data, herbarium data and literature data. The name of the observer respectively collector and time (span) of the observation is given. The locality is represented on MTB quadrant level (German GRID System TK25/4) or calculated to receive equivalent accuracy.
Data portal of the Flora of Bavaria (BIB)
Occurrence data in Bavaria, with additional occurrence-assigned information, e. g., literature citations, and taxon-assigned information, e. g., the floristic status and images
NetPhyD: Deutschlandflora.de
Occurrence data in Germany, without additional occurrence-assigned and taxon-assigned information
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Occurrence and checklist data worldwide, with additional occurrence-assigned information, e. g., basis of records, type status, links to images
German Federation for Biological Data (GFBio)
Occurrence and biodiversity data worldwide (provided by German research data centers), with additional occurrence-assigned information, e. g., links to images and visualisations, provided by German data centers
Nomenclature and taxonomic concepts follow the Taxonomische Referenzliste der Gefäßpflanzen Bayerns.
Currently, the BFL datasets delivered for GBIF and GFBio by a BioCASe provider software installation do not include timespan information. The representations show the start of the timespan only. If you need this information, please contact the BFL data team.
The data of the online data set "Occurrence Data of Vascular Plants collected or compiled for the Flora of Bavaria" are offered according to the regulations Richtlinien des Fachdatenzentrums der Staatlichen Naturwissenschaftlichen Sammlungen Bayerns (SNSB IT Center) zum Umgang mit Beobachtungsdaten, the special regulations to the realisation of a Flora of Bavaria and the regulations Richtlinien des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Umwelt (LfU) zum Umgang mit floristischen Daten aus dem Projekt „Flora von Bayern“.
Provenience of the BFL data packages provided online – including data packages from regional projects
The BFL data packages provided online represent the data of the Flora-of Bavaria initiative. Mostly, they are based on original data of the co-workers, single societies and local flora projects; some data are transmitted to the BFL project with calculated lower accuracy. Additional data packages include data from the Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt und from data aggregators like the BfN und GBIF. The provenience and history of submission is - as far as known - documented in the data management system at the SNSB IT Center and will be reported on demand. The single observations are referenced by the specification of the name of the observer and the time (span) of the observation. The data collections of the Flora-of Bavaria initiative are very heterogeneous concerning the details of specifications, thematic context of origin and spatial and time range. In general, they comprize observation data, herbarium data as well as literature data. Some data packages are not complete and will have later additions and new observation records. Those data packages will be periodically submitted to the SNSB IT Center using an agreed schema, This is indicated below with "*".
Some of the major data packages are:
- Data based on the "Floristische Kartierung Bayerns" used for the Verbreitungsatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Bayerns (field data mainly from 1967 to 1983, herbarium data, literature data until 1989)
- Data of the "Zentralstelle für Floristische Kartierung Bayerns" until 2008 (compiled from a number of single projects, local monitoring projects, interpretation of literature data)
- Data of the AG Flora von Bayern (compilation of herbarium data, literature data starting with 2011), see also Flora von Bayern – Auswertung historischer Belege aus bayerischen Herbarien *
- Observation data from monitoring experts, BFL coworkers, BFL regional coordinators including data from the so-called Ergänzungskartierungen, i. e. field excursions in regions where the flora is unsufficiently documented, starting with 2012 (data submission via BFL regional coordinators or via the AG Flora von Bayern) *
- GPS Observation data from monitoring experts gained under use of DiversityMobile in 2017, see under GPS genaue BFL Ergänzungskartierungen 2017
- Data from the Artenschutzkartierung of the Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (exclusively observation data) *
Regional Projects
- Flora des Allgäus (Dörr & Lippert 2001, 2004; Literaturauswertung)
- Flora von Bad Kissingen *
- Flora des Chiemgaus
- Flora der Hassberge und des Grabfeldes (Meierott 2008)
- Flora von Landshut *
- Flora des Nationalparks Bayerischer Wald
- Flora von Marktheidenfeld
- Flora Nordostbayerns *
- Flora von Nordschwaben
- Flora von Regensburg und Umgebung *
- Flora des Regnitzgebietes *