FSG Meeting 20-03-19
Flora Silvae Gabretae: FSG Meeting
The meeting focussed on ... Flora des Böhmerwaldes – Květena Šumavy – Flora Silvae Gabretae (=FSG)
???Wolfgang Diewald, Christoph Heibl, Eva Holá, Milan Štech, Cornelia Straubinger and Dagmar Triebel. Kateřina Máchalová, David Půbal and Romana Roučková got no travel permission due to coronavirus-situation.
Waldgeschichtliches Museum, St. Oswald [1]
- March 19th, 2020, Start: 10:30 a.m., Lunch: 1:00 p.m. (???) , End: approx. 5:00 p.m.
- Contact: Cornelia Straubinger (cornelia.straubingernpv-bw.bayern.de), Tel. +49 8552 9600 162
TOP 1 Short statements on the reports of all partners
TOP 2 Corporate design for conservation management on 10ha
TOP 3 Exhibition & signs for the Bohemian forest
TOP 4 Present situation of the translations
TOP 5 State of the reference list and data pipeline
TOP 6 Which taxa to focus on for solving genetic or phenotypic distribution patterns
TOP 7 Fixing dates in advance for excursions and meetings
TOP 8 Additional dates (talks to advertise the project, joint excursion in Austria)
Responsible for minutes: Cornelia Straubinger and ???
TOP 1 Short statements to the reports of all partners
TOP 2 Corporate design for conservation management on 10ha
TOP 3 Exhibition & signs for the Bohemian forest
TOP 4 Present situation of the translations
TOP 5 State of the reference list and data pipeline
TOP 6 Which taxa to focus on for solving genetic or phenotypic distribution patterns
TOP 7 Fixing dates in advance for excursions and meetings
TOP 8 Additional dates (talks to advertise the project, joint excursion in Austria)
Report of SNSB, IT (1.12.19 up to now)
- New FSG data imported 2019 in DWB:
- Data packages created by the national park "Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald": 36.317 records, mostly from observation plots with WGS 84 point coordinates (record basis: human observation)
- DiversityMobile data packages: 7.777 records, all with WGS 84 point coordinates; incl. 496 from Czech locations (record basis: human observation)
- FSG data curated 2019 in DWB:
- BFLportal01 data: taxon concepts, floristic status, new import of observations with image resources
- BFLportal04 data: taxon concepts, new import of locality and habitat description
- BFL Taxonomische Referenzliste curated, e.g. with relation to FSG taxon names and concepts
- Extension of the DWB REST Webservice for Taxon Lists with How to use the DWB REST Webservice for Taxon Lists
- BFL Wiki site on floristic status with table, see also Ruff et al. 2019
- FSG data import in DWB:
- FlorEin data package: 80.000 records, Gauss-Krüger with 1 km x 1 km grid cells, secondarily assigned to TK25/Q (record basis: human observation)
- 2019 data package from the Bavarian forest region (Klotz, BASG BW): 214, all with point coordinates (record basis: human observation)
- Processing for data publication for FSG as agreed at the meeting 2019 FSG-Treffen 19-04-12 (TOP 2 and TOP 5)
- release of revised and extended pipeline is delayed; hopefully within the next two weeks
- Access point for FSG partners will be the same; relevant packages for download will be ABCD 2.1 zip-archives
- ABCD 2.1 zip-archives will contain
- agreed information on taxon names, taxon names ID, taxon names reference as listed under TOP 2
- agreed information on last assignment of floristic status as explained under TOP 5
Useful links
- FSG-Treffen 19-04-12: last project meeting of Bavarian FSG partners
- Flora Silvae Gabretae Homepage
- Flora Silvae Gabretae Maps (with login)
- DWB BioCASe Data Pipeline with
- http://biocase.snsb.info/wrapper/downloads/BFLportal01coll/ = occurrence data mobilised by the "AG Flora von Bayern" and provided by the SNSB; see http://biocase.snsb.info/wrapper/dsa_info.cgi?dsa=BFLportal01coll (e.g., with "in situ" floristic status: original and processed)
- http://biocase.snsb.info/wrapper/downloads/BFLportal04coll/ = occurrence data generated by the Bavarian environmental agency "LfU" and provided by the SNSB; see http://biocase.snsb.info/wrapper/dsa_info.cgi?dsa=BFLportal04coll
- ABCD 2.1 schema
- "in situ" Floristic Status: Categories in DiversityCollection and PLADIAS
- How to use the DWB REST Webservice for Taxon Lists (e.g., with "ex situ" floristic status for Bavaria)
- Data flow of occurrence data in the Flora of Bavaria context
- Daten der Biotopkartierung des Bayerischen Landesamts für Umwelt für die Flora von Bayern, calculations to aggregate shape data from biotope monitoring projects and visualise them as central points in MTB/Q grid rasters
- Biodiversity Data Journal Data Papers
- DiversityDescriptions; see also Heilpflanzen-Quiz, DEEMY and LIAS