Coordination office for flora conservation in Bavaria
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Coordination office for flora conservation in Bavaria
funded by: Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU)
Project partners: Botanische Staatssammlung München (BSM), Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns IT Center (SNSB IT Center), Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU)
Overall responsibility: Dr. Dagmar Triebel, Prof. Dr. Susanne S. Renner (until 2020), Ines Langensiepen
Scientific and biodiversity informatics lead: Dr. Dagmar Triebel
Scientific staff: M.Sc.-Umweltpl. Marcel Ruff (until February 2020), Dr. Julia Wellsow (starting with July 2020)
Software development and data processing: Dipl.-Inf. Wolfgang Reichert (starting with July 2021), Dr. M. Weiss
Cooperative scientific partners: Dipl.-Biol. Wolfgang Diewald, Prof. Dr. Jörg Ewald, Dr. Andreas Fleischmann, Prof. Dr. Lenz Meierott, M.Sc.-Umweltpl. Marcel Ruff, Dipl.-Biol. Martin Scheuerer
Cooperative technical partners: Dipl.-Biogeogr. Iris Leininger (Wiki, data import, until 2019), Dipl.-Inf. Wolfgang Reichert (GIS, multimedia, until June 2021), Dr. Stefan Seifert (BIB data portal)
→ Flora von Bayern ─ Münchner Team für Daten und Infrastruktur
The project "Coordination office for flora conservation issues in Bavaria" is preceded by the project Flora of Bavaria: Data management in DWB and concept development for the publication of a flora
Beginning in 2012, the data from plant inventories and monitoring projects, which were formerly managed by the "Zentralstelle für die floristische Kartierung Bayerns" in Regensburg, were transferred into the database system of the Diversity Workbench developed and maintained at the IT Center of the Bavarian Natural History Collections (Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns or SNSB). The maintenance and technical and content development of these databases are crucial for the continued usability and utility of these data.
From 2018 onwards, the new coordination office is built up at the SNSB. It serves as the focal point for maintaining and enlarging the plant data, including encouraging and supporting efforts for professionals, expert volunteers and citizen scientists. To receive this goal, the coordination office works closely together with the Bavarian Environmental Agency (Bayerische Landesamt für Umwelt or LfU, the AG Flora of Bavaria and all experts for inventories and monitoring projects in Bavaria.
The Botanische Staatssammlung München, part of the SNSB, will provide sustainable domain-specific data management, continuing its longtime close cooperation with the Landesamt für Umwelt.
- Providing a data platform for science, research and other stakeholders
- Serving as an information network between science / citizen and volunteer experts
- Improving the visibility of botanical data and information
- Realisation of projects for the conservation of native flora in particular regions and habitats of Bavaria
Cooperative projects: BFL – Communication Platform, Aktualisierung der Roten Liste der Gefäßpflanzen Bayerns, Flora Silvae Gabretae – Flora des Böhmerwaldes – Květena Šumavy