Coordination office for flora conservation in Bavaria
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Coordination office for flora conservation in Bavaria
funded by: Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU)
Project partners: Botanische Staatssammlung München (BSM), Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns IT Center (SNSB IT Center), Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU)
Overall responsibility: Dr. Dagmar Triebel, Prof. Dr. S. S. Renner, I. Langensiepen
Scientific and biodiversity informatics lead: Dr. D. Triebel
Scientific staff: M.Sc.-Umweltpl. M. Ruff, Dipl.-Biol. W. Diewald
Software development: Dr. M. Weiss, Dipl.-Inf. W. Reichert
Cooperative scientific partners: Prof. Dr. J. Ewald, Dr. A. Fleischmann, Prof. Dr. L. Meierott
Cooperative technical partner: Dr. S. Seifert (BIB data portal), Dipl.-Inf. W. Reichert (GIS, multimedia), Dipl.-Biogeogr. I. Leininger (Wiki, data import)
→ Flora von Bayern ─ Münchner Team für Daten und Infrastruktur
The project "Coordination office for flora conservation in Bavaria" is preceeded by the project Flora of Bavaria – Data management DWB and concept development Flora
Since 2012, the data of the plant monitoring projects, which were formerly maintained by the "Zentralstelle für die floristische Kartierung Bayerns" (today working group "Flora of Bavaria") in Regensburg, were transferred into the system of the Diversity Workbench, installed at the IT Center of the Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns. The maintenance and further development of these databases as well as the ongoing demand to gather new data is an essential basis for the usability of this data.
From 2018 onwards the coordination office will be, in addition to the Bayerische Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU), the central point of contact for botanical issues (for example for volunteering plant experts, public authorities, associations, scientific bodies and scientists). This includes consulting in species and flora conservation in Bavaria. It also oversees the acceptance and technical as well as data curatoric quality control of the observation. The coordination office works intensively together with the AG Flora of Bavaria and the volunteering and commissioned mappers in Bavaria.
The Botanische Staatssammlung München, a department of the SNSB, enjoys a high reputation among the volunteering botanists and with the SNSB IT Center and the Diversity Workbench (in-house development) offers all the conditions for a secure and long-term data management. The two institutions with their collection curators and data experts, support the coordination office in both a scientific and biodiversity-informatic manner. The longtime close cooperation with the Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU) is continued.
- "Data platform" for public authorities, science, research and other stakeholders
- Gateway science / volunteer / consulting
- Improving the perception of botanical data in the public
- Implementation of projects for species and flora protection in Bavaria
Cooperative project: BFL – Communication Platform