
Aus Bayernflora
(Weitergeleitet von Vorlage:GalleryImageLink)
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This template creates a gallery using image links to “click & go”. It is intended to use in main keys with clear intuitive images. It's parameters follow template: Lead.

{{ImageSwitch | caption lines=2
 | image 1        = File:Bufo_viridis_female_quadrat.jpg 
   |result text 1 = Frösche/Kröten/Unken
   |lead 1        = springend mit 4 Beinen 
   |result 1      = Froschlurche – Anura
 | image 2        = File:Amphibienlaich und Larven Schlüsseleinstieg.jpg 
   |result text 2 = Amphibien-<br />larven und -laich
   |lead 2        = Bestimmung von Kaulquappen und Froschlaich
   |result 2      = Bestimmungshilfe für Amphibienlaich und -larven (Philipp Meinecke)
 | image 3        = File:Caudata quadratic.png 
   |result text 3 = Salamander/Molche
   |lead 3        = an feuchten Orten oder im Wasser lebend
   |result 3      = Schwanzlurche – Caudata
 | image 4        = File:Reptilia.jpg 
   |result text 4 = Reptilien
   |lead 4        = Haut aus hornigen Schuppen oder Schilden
   |result 4      = Bestimmungsschlüssel für Reptilien in Deutschland


springend mit 4 Beinen
springend mit 4 Beinen
Bestimmung von Kaulquappen und Froschlaich
Bestimmung von Kaulquappen und Froschlaich
an feuchten Orten oder im Wasser lebend
an feuchten Orten oder im Wasser lebend
Haut aus hornigen Schuppen oder Schilden
Haut aus hornigen Schuppen oder Schilden

The often used default parameters 1=, 2= are not allowed.

Ablage/Notiz Template for copying

{{ImageSwitch | caption lines=2
 | image 1        = File:
   |result text 1 = 
   |lead 1        = 
   |result 1      = 


The following parameters are mandatory and optional:

optional title
optional another id (default=imageswitch)
list of creators (SMW: dc:creator)
list of contribitors (SMW: dc:contributor)
0..5 (SMW: xmp:Rating)
recommendation group= 
what recommendation is the image switch for (SMW: recommendation group)
image width= 
width of all images (default = 150)
caption lines= 
number of text lines (default = 1)
lead lines= 
number of text lines for the lead text (default = 2)
caption style= 
caption's style
CSS sttyle of the whole gallery
layout format= 
result text or link text at the bottom or the top. Possible fixed values are:
result link top, result text bottom” (=default) or
result link bottom, result text top
image 1= image 30
up to 30 images
lead 1= lead 30
up to 30 descriptions, lead texts
result 1= result 30
up to 30 result links, page names
result text 1= result text 30
up to 30 result texts

Technical notes

See also

The german cunterpart of this template is template: Bildweiche Flag icon de.png. Template: Gallery creates also image galleries but with image zoom when clicked.