Vorlage:Decision S2/Test
Aus Bayernflora
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2 | Foliage with white markings beneath, the smallest twigs on a branch all spreading in one plane; fruiting cones 7-9 mm, each cone-scale with a small spine in the centre
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Foliage without white markings beneath, the smallest twigs on a branch spreading in all directions; fruiting cones 15-20 mm, each cone-scale with a large conical spine in the centre
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5 | Leaves green above, silvery white beneath
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6 | Leaf lobes with numerous, small teeth; flowers in pendent clusters; fruits with wings more or less forming a right angle (at 90º to each other)
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7 | Leaves up to 8 cm long, lobed more than half-way to the base, the lobes with rounded tips; flowers appearing with the leaves
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8 | Leaf lobes toothed
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Leaf lobes entire
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10 | Flowers mostly white, with red and yellow blotches; fruits with numerous, sharp spines; winter buds very sticky
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Flowers red or bright pink; fruits with few, if any, blunt spines; winter buds not sticky
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Fruits paired on each stalk
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12 | Leaves with 7-13 leaflets; flowers appearing after the leaves, purplish, without sepals or petals; fruits 2.5-5 cm long
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Leaves with 5-9 leaflets; flowers appearing after the leaves, white, with 4 narrow petals; fruits 1-5-2.5 long
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14 | Twigs spiny; flowers with 5 unequal petals, pea-like
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16 | Ripe fruits entirely orange-red to vermillion-red (occasionally yellow), with yellow pulp
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Ripe fruits white to pink or crimson, with white pulp
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17 | Leaves with 1-2 pairs of leaflets, matt green above, grey-white woolly beneath; ripe fruit scarlet
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Leaves with 1-4 pairs of leaflets, glossy green above, thinly white hairy beneath; ripe fruit brownish-red
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18 | Leaves evergreen, often spiny
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21 | Leaves with a rounded or bluntly pointed tip, completely hairless beneath; flower and fruit stalks hairless
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22 | Leaves with whitish hairs scattered over the whole of the lower surface; flowers c. 2.5 cm across; ripe fruits orange-red
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Leaves with hairs on the veins of the lower surface only; flowers c. 1.5 cm across; ripe fruits red
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23 | Leaves usually with 5-7 lobes, the largest reaching more than two-thirds of the way to the midrib; flowers always white; styles and nutlets 1
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Leaves usually with 3 lobes, the largest reaching less than two-thirds of the way to the midrib; flowers white, red or pink; styles and nutlets 2-3
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25 | Leaves palmately lobed
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27 | Leaves whitish or silvery hairy beneath
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Leaves greyish to yellowish hairy beneath
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28 | Leaves with 7-9 pairs of blunt-tipped lobes, rough above, hairy beneath; acorn cup with spreading or reflexed scales
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29 | Leaves barely longer than wide, lobed c. half-way to midrib, shiny on both surfaces
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Leaves much longer than wide, lobed c. two-thirds of way to midrib, matt on both surfaces
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31 | Bark silvery, developing black, diamond-shaped fissures with age; twigs and smaller branches weeping; leaf stalk hairless
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Bark creamy white, peeling in thin sheets; twigs and smaller branches erect or drooping at tips only; leaf stalk hairy
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32 | Tree weeping; leaves > 10 times as long as wide
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33 | Leaves with wavy, entire margins
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34 | Petals yellowish or absent; fruit dry
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36 | Leaf margins toothed; cones in clusters of 1-3
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Leaf margins doubly-toothed (the teeth themselves toothed); cones in clusters of 3-8
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37 | Flowers and fruits in pendent catkins; petals absent; fruits each with a membranous wing
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Flowers and fruits in stalked clusters; petals present; entire fruit cluster attached to a single, membranous wing
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39 | Leaves with matt upper surface, the hairs in the vein angles beneath whitish; fruit rounded at both ends
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Leaves with glossy upper surface; the hairs in the vein angles beneath reddish; fruit tapering at both ends
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40 | Leaves green on both surfaces
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41 | Branches weeping
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Branches not weeping
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Flowers with a single style; fruits with a single seed (stone); bark often with conspicuous horizontal bands of pores (lenticels)
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43 | Leaves strongly tinged with purple; flowers dark or ruby red; fruit purplish red
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44 | Leaves hairy beneath; flowers pale pink fading to white, usually with 4 styles; fruits yellow
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45 | Fruits < 1 cm long, globose to ellipsoid
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Fruits c. 3.5 cm long, conical
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46 | Flowers and fruits arranged in spreading or drooping spikes of 10 or more
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47 | Leaf margin with blunt and rounded teeth; flowers solitary, rarely in clusters of 2-3; fruit 2-3 cm
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48 | Leaf margin with teeth gradually narrowed into a long point tipped with a long, fine bristle
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49 | Leaf stalk hairy; flowers generally pink, the stalk 1 cm
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Leaf stalk hairless; flowers white, the stalk 2-5 cm